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Introduction to Web Development [HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT]

Learn the basics HTML,CSS and JavaScript to create a simple web page within 5.5 hours.
Academy of Computing & Artificial Intelligence
18,529 students enrolled
English [Auto]
HTML (Lecture and code demonstration)
CSS (Lecture and code demonstration)
JavaScript (Lecture and code demonstration)
Integrating HTML,CSS and JavaScript to make a simple website

After analyzing the current market of Profitable Skills we were able to conclude that web development is a profitable that is easy to learn and will benefit the majority of students. Hence, we came up with this course to benefit the students who are curious about web development and want to improve themselves by learning more profitable skills. This course will provide the basic knowledge & understanding  of HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Furthermore for the benefit of the students we have included a simple web development project where you can apply the HTML,CSS and JavaScript knowledge that you learnt to create a simple rock paper scissors game. This course is for anyone who are curious about web development but have no idea about it. Also note that this course is for beginners.

You will learn following under each topic –


    • HTML Headings

    • HTML paragraph tag

    • HTML Line Breaks

    • HTML Text Formatting

    • HTML Links

    • HTML Target attribute

    • HTML Images

    • HTML Tables


    • Introduction to CSS

    • CSS Syntax

    • Internal CSS

    • External CSS Introduction demo

    • Inline CSS Introduction demo

    • Order for multiple style sheets

    • CSS Selectors 

    • CSS Class Selectors 

    • Colors in CSS

    • Background Colors in CSS

    • Padding in CSS

    • CSS Rounded Corners 

    • Using multiple background images with CSS

    • Using Animations with CSS


    • Introduction to JavaScript

    • Setting up the environment to run JavaScript

    • Live Server Demo

    • JavaScript integration with HTML

    • Arithmetic Operators

    • Strings in JavaScript

    • JavaScript Methods

    •  JavaScript Built-in objects

    • JavaScript Variables

Bonus – A final capstone project is available where we demonstrate how you could apply the knowledge gained to create a simple website.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
3.9 out of 5
220 Ratings

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5 hours on-demand video
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of Completion