
Programming can sometimes be very hard to learn especially if you have no experience in this field. But, this course have everything that you need ...
5 total hours
Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!  This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Py...
25 total hours
$119.99 $22
Learn R Programming by doing! There are lots of R courses and lectures out there. However, R has a very steep learning curve and students often get...
10.5 total hours
$149.99 $18
*** Just launched in June 2023! *** *** Take this course after taking my #1 bestselling JavaScript course (750,000+ students) *** In 2023, React is...
67 total hours
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a powerful approach to building reliable and robust software. This course will teach you how to apply TDD in your ...
4.5 total hours
After analyzing the current market of Profitable Skills we were able to conclude that web development is a profitable that is easy to learn and wil...
5.5 total hours
What is React Native? React Native combines the best parts of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user i...
12 total hours
Python is famed as one of the best programming languages for its flexibility. It works in almost all fields, from web development to developing fin...
2 total hours
Welcome to “Introduction to Spacy for Natural Language Processing”! In this course, you will learn how to use the powerful Spacy librar...
4 total hours